Set a website that your visitors can interact with, while your regular playlist is shown as soon as your screen is touched.
With the viewneo Website Interaction Plugin and a touch-enabled screen, you can add interactive web content to your playlists and provide a more interactive experience for your visitors.
As soon as the visitor touches the display, the playlist will be interrupted and the user redirected to a website you have designated.
When the visitor leaves and there is no interaction with the screen for a defined period of time, it will automatically return to the previous playlist.
This Plugin is a great option for anyone who is looking to integrate touch screens into their Digital Signage displays and excite their visitors with an interactive experience.
Depending on the chosen payment period, the Plugin costs either $3.60 per month/per device or $36.00 per year/per device.
The plugin is designed to allow for a user to interrupt a running playlist by touch and have a new website be displayed. The user will then be able to interact freely on this website, for example to make a purchase. After a period of time where there has been no interaction, the playlist will return to playing the regularly scheduled content.